Quality Assurance in Another World manga known also as (Kono Sekai wa Fukanzen Sugiru) follows Haga, a debugger, and his NPC companion, Nikola. Unlike typical isekai stories, they’re trapped in a glitchy video game world. Haga tirelessly debugs the game while his friends hope for freedom. Nikola, programmed as a villager, joins Haga despite her desire to explore and grow stronger. The manga delves into the challenges of debugging, showcasing various game glitches. Unlike typical power fantasies, Haga remains an ordinary guy focused on his job. The story highlights the horrors of being stuck in a game, such as prolonged glitch-induced paralysis. Other debuggers they encounter add depth, some resorting to extreme measures to prevent escape. Kono Sekai wa Fukanzen Sugiru manga promises a good read as it improves over time. The upcoming anime adaptation in July 2024 offers hope for further exploration of this unique story.